Stephen Ministry Matching Form

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Are You Going through a Difficult Time?

Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who come alongside someone facing a challenging or difficult circumstance. They provide one-on-one consistent care for as long as care is needed. The care you'll receive is both free and confidential.
Please select one option.
Here is what to expect: Once this form is submitted, you will be invited to a meeting to confirm whether Stephen Ministry is the best option of care for you.  If it is, we will assign a Stephen Minister to you and they will contact you directly.  If it is not, we will try to refer you to the most appropriate care available, to the best of our knowledge.

While not pastors or counselors, Stephen Ministers have undergone extensive training. They are trained to  provide emotional and spiritual support by listening, caring, praying and encouraging people who are hurting – congregation members and non-members alike.


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